Research Publications
Awareness-based systems change in the literature
Theory U
The publications listed below advance the field of awareness-based systems change by building the theoretical and conceptual frameworks that support transformative change.
Bird, K. | 2019
Visual Presencing. In O. Gunnlaughson & W. Brendel (Eds.) Advances in Presencing. Vancouver, BC: Trifoss Business Press.
Download fileBrendel, W. | 2019
Sensing into the future of Theory U: Catching up with Otto Scharmer and Adam Yukelson. In O. Gunnlaughson & Brendel, W. (Eds.) Advances in Presencing. Vancouver, BC: Trifoss Business Press.
Download fileChlopczik, A. | 2014
Magic Moments – Otto Scharmer’s Theory U and its Implications for Personal and Organizational Development. Gestalt Theory, 36(3), 267-278.
Open pagede Monthoux, P. G. & Statler, M. | 2018
Theory U: Rethinking business as practical European philosophy. In: Business Education and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools & Applications. IGI Global.
Open pageGardner, S. & Paulin, S. | 2018
The Journey of Self, Nature, Technology and Sustainable Organisational Design: Insights for Transformative Leadership Praxis. In M. Brueckner, R. Spencer & M. Paull (Hrsg.), Disciplining the Undisciplined? Perspectives from Business, Society and Politics on Responsible Citizenship, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance Ser), 243-254. Cham: Springer.
Open pageGiesenbauer, B. & Müller-Christ, G. | 2020
University 4.0: Promoting the Transformation of Higher Education Institutions toward Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 12, 3371; doi:10.3390/su1208337.
Open pageGioacchino, G. | 2019
You defend what you feel: ‘Presencing’ nature as ‘experiential knowing.’ Action Research, 17(1), 108-129.
Open pageGunnlaugson, O. & Brendel, W. (Eds.) | 2021
Advances in Presencing Volume III: Collective Approaches in Theory U. Trifoss Business Press. Trifoss Business Press.
Open pageGunnlaugson, O. & Brendel, W. (Eds) | 2020
Advances in Presencing, Volume II: Individual Approaches in Theory U. Trifoss Business Press.
Open pageGunnlaugson, O. & Brendel, W. (Eds.) | 2019
Advances in Presencing. Trifoss Business Press.
Open pageGunnlaugson, O., Scott, C., Bai, H. & Sarath, E.W. | 2017
The Intersubjective Turn. Theoretical Approaches to Contemplative Learning and Inquiry across Disciplines. New York: State University of New York Press.
Open pageHall, G. | 2008
Inside the Theory of U: Interview with Peter M. Senge and Otto Scharmer (Part 2). Reflections, 9(1), 41-46.
Open pageHayashi, A. | 2010
Feminine principle and Theory U: Character Based Leadership. Oxford Leadership Journal.
Open pageKalungu-Banda, M. | 2006
Leadership calls for courage Management Today, 22 (7), p. 18 - 19.
Download fileLevitt Cea, J. & Rimington, J. | 2017
Creating Breakout Innovation Stanford Social Innovation Review, 15(3), 32-39.
Open pageNullens, P | 2019
From spirituality to responsible leadership: Ignatian discernment and Theory U. In J. Kok & S.C. van den Heuvel (Eds.) Leading in a VUCA World: Integrating Leadership, Discernment and Spirituality. Springer Open. pp. 185-207.
Open pagePavey, E. | 2021
Exploring open and relational theology and Theory U for transformational change. Practical Theology, published online April 18.
Open pagePillay, K. | 2011
Local Economic Development Postgraduate Education and Mindful Research: Deepening the Practitioner Research Paradigm. Alternation 18, (2), 195 - 215.
Download fileScharmer, C. O. | 2001
Self-transcending knowledge: Sensing and organizing around emerging opportunities. Journal of Knowledge Management, 5(2), 137-150.
Open pageScharmer, C. O. | 2016
Theory U: Leading from the Future as it Emerges (2nd edition). Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Open pageScharmer, C. O. | 2018
The Essentials of Theory U: Core Principles and Applications. Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Open pageScharmer, O. & Kaufer, K. | 2013
Leading from the Emerging Future: From Ego-System to Eco-System Economies. Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Open pageScharmer, O. & Kaufer, K. | 2015
Awareness-Based Action Research: Catching Social Reality Creation in Flight. In H. Bradbury (Ed.) The SAGE Handbook of Action Research, 3rd edition. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Open pageScharmer, C. O., Pomeroy, E. & Kaufer, K. | 2021
Awareness-Based Action Research: Making Systems Sense and See Themselves. Burns, D., Howard, J. and Ospina, S. (Eds). The SAGE Handbook of Participatory Research. London: SAGE Publishing.
Download fileSenge, P., Scharmer, O., Flowers, B.S. & Jaworski, J. | 2011
Presence: Exploring Profound Change in People, Organizations, and Society. Boston, MA: Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
Open pageSenge, P., Scharmer, O. & Winslow, D. | 2013a
30 Years of Building Learning Communities: A Dialogue with Peter Senge, Otto Scharmer and Darcy Winslow, Part 1. Reflections, 12(4), 40-52.
Open pageSenge, P., Scharmer, O. & Winslow, D. | 2013b
0 Years of Building Learning Communities: A Dialogue with Peter Senge, Otto Scharmer and Darcy Winslow, Part 2 Reflections, 13(2), 1-9.
Open pageSohmen, V.S. | 2016
Change management and Theory U leadership. International Journal of Global Business, 9(2), 102-110.
Wilson, P. | 2019
Otto Scharmer and the field of the future: Integrating science, spirituality, and profound social change. In D. Szabla, W. Pasmore, M. Barnes & A. Gipson (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers, 1129-1146. London, U.K.: Palgrave MacMillan.
Wilson, P. | 2019
he Heart of Community Engagement: Practitioner stories from around the globe. Chapter 8 Theory U: Engaging global community with breadth and depth. Routledge.
Open pageWinther, A., Jackman, V. & Oliver, K. | 2019
Massive Open Online Course u.lab: Creating Transformational Learning in Scotland. In M. Noble & C. Ross (Hrsg.), Reclaiming the University for the Public Good. Futures in co-operative higher, 205-225. [S.l.]: Palgrave Macmillan
Open pageVeerstegen, U. & Veersteegen, L. | 2021
Social Fields As An Awareness-Based Approach To Reconnect Self, Other, and Whole. In O. Gunnlaugson & W. Brendel (Eds.) Advances in Presencing Volume III: Collective Approaches in Theory U. Trifoss Business Press, 145-188.
Download fileVeerstegen, U. & Jakimetz, J. | 2020
Gestures of the mind as an invisible force for social change: A phenomenological exploration of what it is to listen. Gunnlaugson, O & Brendel, W. (Eds.) Advances in Presencing, Volume II Vancouver, BC: Trifoss Business Press.
Download fileBoell, M. M. & Senge, P. | 2016
School climate and social fields: An initial exploration. Garrison Global Collaboration for Emotional, Social and Systems Education & MIT.
Open pageBajraktari, F., Mosse, R. & Neira Voto, G. | 2019
ransforming u.lab: Redesigning a social technology from a strategic sustainable perspective. In O. Gunnlaughson & W. Brendel (Eds.) Advances in Presencing. Vancouver, BC: Trifoss Business Press.
Download fileChlopczik, A. | 2016
Conscious change, change in consciousness: Prototyping our interior condition. In S. Sharma & M. Zirkler (Eds.), From the edge of Chaos: Dialogues amongst social theory and practice. Bengaluru, India: IBA Publications.
Open pageDrimie, S., Hamann, R., Manderson, A.P. & Mlondobozi, N. | 2018
Creating transformative spaces for dialogue and action: reflecting on the experience of the Southern Africa Food Lab. Ecology and Society, 23(3).
Open pageGarcia-Feijoo, Alcaniz, L. & Eizaguirre, A. | 2021
Shared strategic reflection process by a higher education institution: A case study. Managment in Education, published online July 8.
Open pageGoldman-Schulyler K., Olsen Taylor, M. & Wolberger, O. | 2017
Bringing mindfulness and joy to work: Action research on organizational change. In J. Neal (Ed.) Handbook of Personal and Organizational Transformation. New York, NY: Springer.
Open pageGoldman-Schuyler, K., Skjei, S. Sanzgiri, J. & Koskela, V. | 2017
Moments of waking up”: A doorway to mindfulness and presence. Journal of Management Inquiry, 26(1), 86-100.
Open pageGunnlaugson, O., Baron, C. & Cayer, M. (Eds.) | 2014
Perspectives on Theory U: Insights from the field. Hershey, PA: IGI.
Open pageGunnlaugson, O. & Brendel, W. (Eds.) | 2019
Advances in Presencing. Vancouver, BC: Trifoss Business Press.
Open pageHakio, K. & Mattelmäki, T. | 2019
Future skills of design for sustainability: An awareness-based co-creation approach. Sustainability, 19 (5247). doi:10.3390/su11195247
Open pageHentsch, R. | 2021
Italian u.lab Hubs: A Study and Comparison of the Application and Adaptation of Theory U Principles and Practices to the Specificities of a Local Community of Learners in Rome and some other Italian Cities In O. Gunnlaugson & W. Brendel (Eds.) Advances in Presencing Volume III: Collective Approaches in Theory U. Trifoss Business Press, 67-84.
Download fileKaufer, K. & Steponaitis, L. | 2021
Just Money: Mission-Driven Banks and the Future of Finance. MIT Press.
McLeod, N. | 2015
Reflecting on reflection: Improving teachers' readiness to facilitate participatory learning in young children. Professional Development in Education, 41(2), pp. 254-272.
Open pageO'Brian, J. | 2020
Cultivating Capacity: A Fieldbook for Strengthening Person-Centred Practices Session I Inclusion Press
Open pagePillay, K. | 2014
Learning, the whole and Theory U: reflections on creating a space for deep learning. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 12(4), 340-346.
Open pagePetitmengin, C. | 2006
Describing one’s subjective experience in the second person: An interview method for the science of consciousness. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 5, 229-269.
Open pagePomeroy, E. & Bernardi, N. F. | 2021
Tending the Social Field in Higher Education In O. Gunnlaugson & W. Brendel (Eds.) Advances in Presencing Volume III: Collective Approaches in Theory U. Trifoss Business Press, 85-119.
Download filePomeroy, E. & Oliver, K. | 2020
Action Confidence as an Indicator of Transformative Change Journal of Transformative Education, OnlineFirst, doi.org/10.1177/1541344620940815
Download filePomeroy, E. & Oliver, K. | 2018
Pushing the boundaries of self-directed learning: Research findings from a study of u.lab participants in Scotland. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 37(6), 719-733.
Open pageRege-Colet, N. M. | 2017
From content-centred to learning-centred approaches: shifting educational paradigm in higher education. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 49(1), 72-86.
Open pageScharmer, O.
Dialogue on Leadership | Presencing Institute Website.
Open pageWanasika, I. & Krahnke, K. | 2017
Leadership and vision. In J. Marques & S. Dhiman (Eds.), Leadership today: Practices for personal and professional performance, 75-88. New York, NY: Springer.
Open pageWukitsch, M., Simmons, R. & Hutt, M. | 2013
Rearticulating Values Through Applied Theories at Children's Hospital Colorado. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 15(3), 252-269.
Open pagePOINT: The Blind Spots in Theory U | The Reconstruction of a (Change-) Management Fashion | By: Stefan Kühl
Following a long period where the concept of a learning organization was the most popular way to implement change projects, consultants have now begun to apply a program known as Theory U. A description of Theory U from a sociological perspective reveals that it has the typical structure of a management fashion. Theory U resembles a management fashion in as much as it holds out the promise that an organization — all of society, or even simply one individual—will be better off than beforehand after it has run through the various phases of the change process. Accepted for publication at J. Change Management
Read the whole articleCOUNTERPOINT: Social Systems As If People Mattered | Response to the Kühl Critique of Theory U | By: Otto Scharmer, Sep 24, 2019
Following a long period where the concept of a learning organization was the most popular way to implement change projects, consultants have now begun to apply a program known as Theory U. A description of Theory U from a sociological perspective reveals that it has the typical structure of a management fashion. Theory U resembles a management fashion in as much as it holds out the promise that an organization — all of society, or even simply one individual—will be better off than beforehand after it has run through the various phases of the change process. Accepted for publication at J. Change Management
Read the whole responseBohm, D. | 1996
On Dialogue. Edited by Lee Nichol. London: Routledge.
Capra, F. | 2002
The hidden connections: Integrating the biological, cognitive, and social dimensions of life into a science of sustainability. New York, NY: Doubleday.
Habermas, J. | 1989
The structural transformation of the public sphere. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Lewin, K. | 1951
Field theory in social science. New York, NY: Harper & Row Publishers.
Maturana, H. | 1999
The organization of the living: A theory of the living organization. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 51, 149-168.
Maturana, H. R., and Varela, F. KJ. | 1980
Autopoiesis and cognition: The realization of the living. Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company.
Nan, Huai-chin. | 1993
Working toward enlightenment: The cultivation of practice. Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Rosch, E. | 2008
Beginner's mind: Paths to the wisdom that is not learned. In: M. Ferrari & G. Potworowski (Eds.) Teaching for Wisdom. Springer.
Scharmer, O. | 2016
Theory U: Leading from the future as it emerges. The social technology of presencing. Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Schein, E. | 1998
Process consultation revisited: Building the helping relationship. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Schön, D. A. | 1983
The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action. New York, NY: Basic Books.
Senge, P. | 1990
The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization. New York, NY: Currency Doubleday.
Steiner, R. | 1894, 1964
The Philosophy of Freedom London: The Rudolph Steiner Press.
Varela, F.J, Thompson, E. & Rosch, E. | 2016
The embodied mind: Cognitive science and human experience (Revised Edition). MIT Press
Zajonc, A. | 1993
Catching the light: The entwined history of light and mind. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Otto Scharmer & Eva Pomeroy | 2020
Action Confidence: Laying Down the Path in Walking Deep dive into action confidence, a concept emerging from research with u.lab Scotland.
Open pageRobin Duval | 2020
How Could Regeneration Increase Social Equality in Govanhill, Glasgow? A Systems Mapping Event Using Social Presencing Theatre Reflections and outcomes of an action research project.
Open pageOtto Scharmer & Eva Pomeroy | 2019
Social Field Resonance: How to Research the Deep Structure of the Field An account of the inaugural Social Field Research Summer School, its intention and vision for a new science, and the methodological experimentation that took place.
Open pageAmir Carmel | 2019
Coaching Circles: A Vehicle for and Ego- to Eco Shift in Organizations. Summary of an action research project using coaching circles as an organizational intervention in two settings - Tridos Bank and the South African Military.
Open pageArawana Hayashi & Ricardo Dutra | 2019
Social Reality Contemplation: a Performance-Led Approach to Making Visible Deep Layers of Social Fields. Description of an arts-based methodological experiment at the 2019 Social Field Research Summer School using the "Stuck" exercise from Social Presencing Theatre.
Open pageKelvy Bird | 2018
Ecosystem Activation Description of a methodological experimentation to engage with generative scribing as a contemplative tool, laying the foundation for the Visual Resonance practice used today.
Open pageBajraktari, F., Mosse, R. & Voto, G. N. | 2016
Transforming u.lab: Re-designing a participatory methodology using a strategic sustainable perspective. (Master’s dissertation: M.A. Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden).
Open pageBryant, J. | 2012
Being Human in the System: A journey into sustainability and local government in Perth, Western Australia. (Master's Dissertation: M.A. Human Ecology, Lund University, Australia)
Open pageCarmel, A. | 2019
The relationship between participation in a Coaching Circle and empathy, self-awareness and locus of control. (Master's dissertation: M.A. Work and Organizational Psychology, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands).
Download fileChieko, A., Coletinha, E. & Villoch, P. | 2010
An exploratory journey into sustainability changemakers learning programs. (Master’s dissertation: M.A. Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden).
Open pageDuval, R. | 2020
A systems analysis of the social impact of regeneration: A case study of Govanhill, Glasgow using Theory U to co-create transformative intervention proposals to enable socially equitable regeneration (Master's Dissertation: MSc Sustainability and Adaptation, Graduate School of the Environment, Centre for Alternative Technology/University of East London, UK)
Download fileFundira, T. | 2018
Rethinking organizational learning using Theory U: An ontological approach to strategic leadership. (PhD Thesis: Graduate School of Business and Leadership, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa).
Open pageGiacchetto, M. | 2018
Development of professional capital in the PLC analyzed through the lens of Theory U. (PhD Thesis: Administrative and Instructional Leadership, St. John's University, New York, USA).
Open pageHautle, G. T. | 2018
Responsible leadership development in the context of Deep Ethics and Theory U. (Master's dissertation: M.Sc. International Business, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Switzerland).
Open pageHoy, S., Sarker, C.S., & Schmidt, E.K. | 2018
Planting seeds for the future: sustainability, Theory U, and youth. (Master’s dissertation: M.A. Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden).
Open pageKimmie, R. | 2012
A Constructivist Approach to Theory U as a Transformation Model in Academic Development within South African Higher Education. (PhD thesis: Faculty of Management Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa).
Download fileMcClelland, A. | 2014
Going beyond ‘getting it right’ in a mindfulness organization with Theory U. (Master’s dissertation: Master of Arts, Human Systems Intervention, Concordia University, Canada).
Download fileMoodley, K. | 2017
Toward Eco-system awareness: An inquiry into the ontological processes of Theory U. (PhD Thesis: Graduate School of Business and Leadership, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa).
Northcutt, C. | 2019
Changemakers bend the beam inward: Contemplative practices in social innovation education. (Master's dissertation: M.A. Higher Education Leadership, University of San Diego, USA).
Open pageRuff, J. | 2019
Shifting perspective on agriculture: How young regenerative farmers in South Africa discover their metabolic value in a globalised world. (Master’s dissertation: Master of Arts, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität/University of Cape Town, South Africa).
Download filevan Droffelaar, B. | 2020
The Impact of a Wilderness-Based Training Program on Leadership Transformation (PhD Thesis: Cultural Geography, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Wageningen University, The Netherlands).
Download fileVan der Westhuizen, T. | 2016
Developing individual entrepreneurial orientation: A systemic approach through the lens of Theory U. (PhD thesis: University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa).
Verbist, K. | 2019
Bringing the future into the classroom: Action research based on Theory U: Impact of a student-centered competence-oriented learning environment on learning approach. (Master’s dissertation: Master of Arts, Instructional and Educational Sciences, University of Antwerp, Belgium).
Download filePater, E., Keim, L. & Lang, P. | 2022
‘Out of your Mind’: The embodied pedagogy of Social Presencing Theatre for sustainability. (Master’s dissertation: M.A. Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden).
Open PageSocial Arts
The work below focuses on the application, impact and development of SPT as a research tool.
Bosch, M., Ovchinnikov, F., Benifand, K., Smith, N. J., Orschulik, M., Hingley, G., Pucci, E.L. | 2018
Collaboration Incubator *18 – Report #1.
Open pageDutra Gonçalves, R. & Hayashi, A. | 2021
A Pattern Language for Social Field Shifts: Cultivating Embodied and Perceptual Capacities of Social Groups through Aesthetics and Social Field Archetypes. Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, 1(1), 35-57.
Open pageDutra Goncalves, R & Karp, U. | 2019
Emerging Design and the Embodiment of Social Transformation. In: Unfolding: Education and Design for Social Innovation, 44-56. Centro.
Open pageHayashi, A. | 2021
Social Presencing Theatre: The Art of Making a True Move PI Press.
Open pageHayashi, A. | 2021
Social Presencing Theatre (SPT): How do we listen to our body knowing to access the wisdom that lives in us? In O. Gunnlaugson & W. Brendel (Eds.) Advances in Presencing Volume III: Collective Approaches in Theory U. Trifoss Business Press, 25-41.
Download fileHayashi, A. | 2010
Feminine Principle and Theory U. Oxford Leadership Journal.
Open pageHayashi, A. & Mount, B. | 2012
Capacity Works: Exploring Possibilities with Social Presencing Theater at Job Path
Open pageLudevig, Daniel | 2015
Using Embodied Knowledge to Unlock Innovation, Creativity, and Intelligence in Business. Organizational Aesthetics 5(1) 150-166.
Open pageClaire van Rhyn, Heather Huggins, Ingvild Øverland, Ricardo Dutra Goncalves | 2019
Future-making in education through Social Presencing Theatre: an awareness-based anticipatory methodology. Anticipation Conference. Oslo, Norway.
Open pageRicardo Dutra Goncalves | 2016
Designing Learning Environments for Social Dreaming: from Inquiry to Insight, and Action. FABLEARN 2016: Annual Conference on Creativity and Making in Education. Graduate School of Education, Stanford University.
Open pageArawana Hayashi | 2017
Wisdom Together Conference. Oslo, Norway.
Open pageJoan O'Donnell | 2020
The Origins of Social Presencing Theater
Open pageManish Srivastava | 2019
Longing for dignity: Transforming human trafficking ecosystem.
Open pageArawana Hayashi & Ricardo Dutra | 2019
Photography: Using ‘Postcards’ as an Empathy Probe.
Open pageArawana Hayashi & Ricardo Dutra | 2019
Aesthetics: A Pattern Language for Social Field Shifts.
Open pageArawana Hayashi & Ricardo Dutra | 2019
Using Video as an ‘Empathy Probe’ in K12 Education.
Open pageTabea Gregory | 2018
Embodied Learning: Using SPT tools in class subjects as a way of embodied learning.
Open pageDutra Goncalves, R. | 2016
Social Dreaming: From Inquiry to Insight and Action. MFA dissertation: Transdisciplinary Design Program, Parsons School of Design - the New School, New York).
Open pageOverland, I. | 2019
Students’ experience with Social Presencing Theatre and how this can facilitate deeper learning processes. (Master's Dissertation, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Humanities, University of Stavanger (UIS))
Open pagePater, E., Keim, L. & Lang, P. | 2022
‘Out of your Mind’: The embodied pedagogy of Social Presencing Theatre for sustainability. (Master’s dissertation: M.A. Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden).
Open Page