Leading from the emerging future.
Leading transformation for social, ecological, and systemic regeneration.
The Presencing Institute offers change-makers innovative tools and methods to lead from the emerging future. Through our proven Theory U approach, we integrate science, collective action, and deep creative processes for
systemic transformation. We are a global ecosystem of regional
partners in Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Americas.
Discover our routes to transformation
u-school: Building Capacity for Transforming Systems and Self
The u-school is a visionary action learning platform—a school without borders—that offers a wide range of online and in-person learning opportunities for individuals and teams to build capacity for transformation. We offer certificate programs on leading systems transformation and on social arts like social presencing theater.
u-impact: Empowering Organizational & Ecosystem Transformation
We empower businesses, civil society groups, public agencies, and others in the creative process of bringing about transformative change. Our process allows clients to more clearly perceive reality, envision new possibilities, and manifest their highest future potential.
u-research: Generating Knowledge & Innovating Tools
Through our action research, we develop innovative frameworks, methods, and tools to support systems transformation and regeneration. We co-convene a community of researchers around consciousness, science, and social change, to activate and transform social fields.
April 17 - Jun 26
Presencing Series
Sensing and actualizing the future that is in need of us
A groundbreaking series of six interconnected 90-minute online sessions designed to inspire, connect, and activate changemakers around the world.
In this moment of profound transition, many feel a quiet knowing that they have a role to play in shaping what comes next. This series creates a space where stories can be shared, where visionaries, innovators, and change-makers can gather to learn from one another and co-create what comes next.

Our approach
Theory U
Tools and methods for leading from the emerging future, enabling change-makers to more clearly sense and enact breakthrough solutions that realize future possibilities.
Meet our Founder
Theory U was developed by Otto Scharmer, Senior Lecturer at MIT and co-founder of the Presencing Institute. The approach has been applied worldwide to advance fundamental change in a diverse array of organizational, cultural, and national contexts.

Presence + Sensing
At the heart of Theory U is the practice of presencing, which involves a shift in consciousness from ego-centric to eco-centric awareness. Presencing means to operate from the emerging future: sensing, tuning in, and acting from one’s highest future potential—bringing to life the future that depends on us to bring it into being.
Our Publications
Our publications explore new paradigms in education, innovation, and leadership, providing resources to inspire transformative learning for individuals and systems.