U.LAB 2X 2022 Has Launched: Meet The Cohort.

Feb 22, 2022

The latest cohort of teams from around the world have begun this year's u.lab 2x journey. Learn more about some of this year's teams and their projects.

What is u.lab 2x?

Last week was the official launch of this year's u.lab 2x journey - with around 690 participants attending the first live session.  This year, a total of 264 teams have joined the cohort. These teams are made up of individuals from 59 countries and from over 450 cities around the globe.  In addition to English, there are language communities participating in French, German,  Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. 

The bar graph below gives us an idea of how these 997 individuals are distributed around the planet.

U.LAB 2X Participants Per Country:

With projects ranging from software solutions,  new models for finance,  community activations, student initiatives, and regional agricultural efforts, u.lab 2x teams are asked to categorize their projects' primary focus as one of the seven acupuncture areas:

  • Business and Leadership
  • Cross-cutting Categories
  • Education and Learning
  • Food, Farm and Climate Change
  • Governance and Democracy
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Mission-Based Finance

Almost all of the teams also acknowledge that their project intends impact in many of these areas.

The below pie-chart gives us a breakdown of the main focuses chosen by teams this year.  We can see that Education & Learning and Business & Leadership are two of the larger fields of focus for our cohort this year. 

U.LAB 2X Projects' Main Focus: 


For last week's first live session, our media team cut this 8min montage to showcase a cross-section sampling of the teams,  their intentions, and their projects. Throughout the 2x journey this year, we'll be offering glimpses and updates as to what emerges. Look for updates in the newsletter, at presencing.org/ulab2x, or by following the hashtag #ulab2x on social media. 

Which projects or teams are you most intrigued by? Please do share your reflections in the comments below. 


U.LAB 2X 2022: Who Are We?

The Presencing Institute, a global non-profit, equips change-makers with innovative tools and methods for leading from the future as it emerges. Using our Theory U approach, we combine science, collective action, and creativity to drive systemic change, with hubs across Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Americas. 

Presencing Institute LLC
1770 Massachusetts Ave. #221
Cambridge, MA 02140 - USA

Support Us
The Presencing Institute is dedicated to offering free courses, resources, and knowledge to our global community. To ensure the sustainability of this work and support the team behind it, we also need to offer some paid activities and fundraise to help fund our efforts.
We are deeply grateful to our global community for all the ways you give. Your financial contributions are vital to sustaining and expanding the Presencing Institute's mission. With your support, we can continue to provide free resources and develop new initiatives.


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